Monday, September 13, 2021

The Mystery Two and The Treasure Case

 Once in a summer, Rohit who was 10 years old was playing with his little brother called Ashwin, who was 8 years old. Their parents planned to go go camping to a mountain. Rohit and Ashwin were excited that they are going to camping. 

"I'm going to take my torch mum" said Rohit.

"Yes, you can dear. Now everyone go to sleep, so that we can hike tomorrow" said Mum. 

So, everyone went to sleep. 

The next day, they woke up at 4.30 am. "Oh.. no, the bus is at 4.45 and we have to get ready fast" Dad said. Everyone got ready and reached the bus stand at 4.46 am.

After sometime they reached the forest called DEVANUR. "Wow, what a nature place" said Dad.

"Yeah, let's start hiking" said Mum. After sometime...

"Look at the butterfly!" said Ashwin. 

"Yes, it is beautiful" said Rohit.

Mum and Dad went ahead. Rohit and Ashwin went behind and lost the route. Ashwin started crying. "Don't cry Ashwin. I am a forest expert" Rohit said.

"Really?" asked Ashwin.

"Yes, we can even stay here" said Rohit.

"Wow... you are super" Ashwin said. 

"So, lets start walking" said Rohit. It became darker and darker in the forest. "It's getting very dark, we have to hurry up" said Rohit. After some time, "Look, there is a cave. We can sleep there" said Ashwin.

"Yeah" said Rohit. The next morning they woke up at 5.30 am and started hiking. Their Mum and Dad realized they are lost. They went to the nearest police station and gave a complaint. 

"We will find them as soon as possible" said the policeman. "What are their names?" he asked.

"Rohit and Ashwin" said Mum. Like that, the policeman asked lots of questions for an hour and they answered them. Meanwhile, Ashwin and Rohit were walking in the woods, where there were thieves, but no animals or birds. The leader of the gang is Ramu and he had 6 assistants, Saram, Zue, Kimi, Edmon, Roly and Boly. Roly and Boly are good people whom Ramu turned into bad.

"Why isn't any birds here?"asked Ashwin. 

"I don't know. I think this is an old forest" said Rohit. Meanwhile -

"Look at the two boys, if you catch them I will give you 1 lakh to each of you" said Ramu.

"Let's sit there, under the tree. I am tired" said Ashwin. 

"Okay. We will read a book together" Rohit said.

In the book, it says "Did you know there is a person, who is a great fighter in real life? He trains kids on Karate and Silambam on Sundays. He lives in the forest and he shifts lots of forests. He also has got a place in a secret den. He is finding some critical thieves."

At a distance, the thieves saw the fighter coming. "Sir, the fighter is coming here" said Saram.

"What!!? We have to set a trap. Saram, Zue, Kimmy go and set the trap and Edmon, Roly, Boly guard me" said Ramu.

So, they went to set a trap. The fighter saw them setting a trap for him and changed the route. Meanwhile - 

"Who are these people?" asked Ashwin.

"I think they are cleaning the forest" said Rohit. 

"Look at the two boys, they think we are cleaning the forest" Saram whispered. 

The fighter saw the two kids were in trouble and went for rescue and saved them. 

"Thanks for saving us" said Rohit. "By the way, who are you?" he asked.

"I am Rajesh, the famous fighter" said Rajesh.

"Are you the fighter? We just read about you in this book" said Ashwin showing the book in his hand.

"Yes, I am the fighter. What are you two doing here in this forest? asked Rajesh. 

The two boys told what happened to them. "What a sad thing, I will help you" said Rajesh. "There is a treasure, which is magical, in my den. That will help you" he said.

"Thank you" said Rohit. So, they went to the fighters' den and took the treasure. The treasure is a Live Map. They asked for where their parents are now. It said "They are in Chengalpet main police station".

"Where are we?" asked Rohit.

"We are in Srilanka" said Rajesh.

"Whaaaattt!!" said Rohit in a shock. 

"Let's see what is here in the Live Map" said Rajesh. Then they found a time machine in the inner part of the treasure cave. 

"I'll read the manual" said Rajesh. He read it and said "We can travel anywhere using this time machine".

"Wow, can we go to Chengalpet main police station using this?" asked Rohit.

"Yes, I'll set it" said Rajesh. After setting it, they went inside it and it took off. In a while, they reached at the backside of the Chengalpet main police station. They went to the entrance. When their Mum and Dad saw them, mom hugged Ashwin and Rohit and asked "How did you find us?"

"With the help of Live Map, the time machine and the great fighter Rajesh" said Rohit and Ashwin.

"Did you say fighter Rajesh? He is the son of my great grand parents" said Mum happily.

"Yes, I am" said Rajesh.

And after that they lived happily.

Friday, August 6, 2021

Too Quiet Moments - Are They Really Suspicious?

At the age of 3, one day the house was too quiet. Wondering what this little one is doing I peeped out of the kitchen and found him applying shampoo from the newly bought bottle all over his body (Later came to know he thought it was a body lotion lol). 

When he was 6, during a summer vacation, on a random morning while I was preparing the breakfast suddenly I felt the house was too quiet again. And this is what he was upto.

At 10, when the interests drift towards mechatronics and has a research station ready in hand

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Crispy French Fries


Crispy French Fries




Large Potatoes – 3


Oil for deep frying


1.      Wash the potatoes, peel the skin and cut into long thin shape(French fries shape)

2.      After cutting keep them in bowl filled with water, to avoid turning brown. Let it be in the water for 15 minutes

3.      After 15 mins, take some hot water in a wide bowl, add some salt and transfer the cut potato wedges in the hot water bowl. This will help the potatoes cook well while frying.

4.      After 10 mins, take out the potatoes from hot water and dry them well using a paper towel or a clean cloth.

5.      Once dried, the potatoes are ready for frying. For crispy French fries, we need to fry them twice.


Let’s do the first stage frying:


a.      Take oil for frying in a pan, keep the flame in low to medium heat.

b.      Drop the potatoes carefully and fry them for 3 to 4 mins. During the first fry, 

         there will not be any colour change in the potatoes.

c.      Take them out and drain in a paper towel. Allow to cool down completely, may 

         be for 15 mins.


 Now, Let’s do the second stage frying:


a.      Keep the oil in medium to high flame. Add the potatoes to the hot oil

b.      Fry until the potatoes look crispy. We can see the colour change.

c.      Take them out of the oil, drain in paper towel.

d.      Sprinkle salt and enjoy the tasty French fries with ketchup.

Saturday, January 9, 2021