Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Learning the Importance of Savings

Our afternoon went like this when he wanted to count the coins on his Savings Jar ๐Ÿ˜
He said he will get us ice creams and watches (for him as well ๐Ÿ˜€) with this. He is 7.5 yr old now :D

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Reading Is A Pleasure

Reading is a pleasure, when you get to find your favourite genre. And I am glad this 7.5 yr old has found his own. Suppandi and Horrid Henry have become his favourites for the past one year.
His usual after school routine used to be like come home, freshen-up, watch TV for 30-40 mins, then do the homework and play for rest of the evening. (What else can be more exciting for a child rather than playing with friends? So, his play times are usually longer)
But today when he returned from school, he scanned the book, quickly refreshed and pulled his study table comfortably near the sofa and started relishing the comic. What surprised me a lot was, he didn't bother much about missing his TV time, nor did he ask for a snack. When his favorite book was lying around, the reading happened naturally.

Monday, October 22, 2018

The Instant Math Puzzle

How many minutes did it take for you to decode the pattern and find the answer? May not be very difficult for a grown up. But, this was a math problem given for me by my little genius. How did he even think of one such puzzle. That's a bit long story.
Winding back the clock to Friday. We were in the car; it was a two day trip visiting Navagraha Temples around the religious town, Kumbakonam. For the past one year, our car journey's are always peaceful. With the little one enjoying his rear seat driving set up (he has a mock set-up with a steering wheel, gear box and an ABC control). He keeps an eye on the road, keenly observes his dad, changes the gear as he does, monitors the speed of the car and virtually drives his car; meanwhile mom and dad would be peacefully enjoying the journey. Occasionally when he gets bored I try to engage him by playing word games or some math puzzles (he loves'em). On that day, as Prajwal was driving his mock car he asked "Amma, shall we play math game?". I was feeling extremely sleepy (I slept less than 3 hours the previous night, we stayed at my friends' place that night, it was a catch up after 15 years and we kept talking until 2.30 am) and hence asked him if we can do only one for now; he agreed and gave me the above problem ๐Ÿคจ. My instant reaction was ๐Ÿ˜ฏ. I asked him if he can repeat it once again assuming he was trying to give me a random puzzle, but I was awestruck when he uttered the answer before stating the puzzle again. Now, I concentrated on the problem and found out it has a pattern. How can a seven year old come up with such a puzzle on the spot? After answering to his question I inquired him. He pointed to a bus in front of us. It had the text "Blow Horn". It's 4+4 letters and the vehicle number started in "1" series. That's how he had framed it. Way too smart I would say ๐Ÿ˜

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Developing a Hobby?

A time pass during a summer vacation

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Making The Bed

One thing that was taught by my mom from my early days is to make the bed immediately once you wake up. So I am teaching the same for my son as well. He wanted to learn how to fold a bed sheet and he did too. That was a perfect fold for his tiny hands ๐Ÿ˜