Thursday, November 29, 2018

Reading Is A Pleasure

Reading is a pleasure, when you get to find your favourite genre. And I am glad this 7.5 yr old has found his own. Suppandi and Horrid Henry have become his favourites for the past one year.
His usual after school routine used to be like come home, freshen-up, watch TV for 30-40 mins, then do the homework and play for rest of the evening. (What else can be more exciting for a child rather than playing with friends? So, his play times are usually longer)
But today when he returned from school, he scanned the book, quickly refreshed and pulled his study table comfortably near the sofa and started relishing the comic. What surprised me a lot was, he didn't bother much about missing his TV time, nor did he ask for a snack. When his favorite book was lying around, the reading happened naturally.

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